A Comparative Study of Xunzi's 'Fen' and 'Ius' in Roman Law
- Journal of Sinological Studies(JSS)
- Vol.1 No.4
- 2024.12
- 21 - 30 (10 pages)
In the formation and practice of law, there is a point of view that Chinese and Western legal thought and culture are completely different modes. In order to understand whether there are commonalities between Chinese and Western legal thoughts, it is particularly important to study the early Chinese and Western thinkers' understanding of law and justice. Through the comparative analysis of Xunzi's “division” legal thought and “ius” in Roman law, it can be found that there are similarities between Chinese and western legal thoughts. Both of them adjust social relations by defining duties and keeping their own divisions, so as to build a political and legal order.
1 何谓“分”
2 荀子之“分”
3 罗马法中的“ius”
4 荀子的“分”与罗马法中的“尤斯”之会通
5 结语