최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Sinological Studies(JSS) Vol.1 No.4.jpg

On the Institutional Advantages of Socialist Consultative Democracy from the Perspective of Comparison between China and the West


DOI : 10.62989/jss.2024.1.4.43
  • 50

The evolution of changes with a magnitude unseen in a century is accelerating across the world, with Western democracy facing populist chaos and political polarization becoming increasingly prominent. On the contrary, China is constantly developing the whole-process people's democracy, building a socialist consultative democracy with Chinese characteristics, effectively playing the dual functions of unity and democracy, and fulfilling the great achievements of the new era that is different from the predicament of Western democracy. Socialist consultative democracy is a unique form of China's socialist democracy. With its six institutional advantages of strong leadership of the party, broad definition of the people, inclusive channels of expression, well developed institutions, the innovative mass line, and efficient decision-making principles, Socialist consultative democracy maximally builds consensus, ensures the running of the country by the people, and truly meets the demands for democracy. Socialist consultative democracy breaks the political superstition of western competitive democracy and provides a different model choice for the political civilization of human society.


1 社会主义协商民主的显著成就:化解西方民主难题

2 社会主义协商民主的制度优势:超越代议制民主缺陷

3 社会主义协商民主的世界价值:打破西方民主迷信

