최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Sinological Studies(JSS) Vol.1 No.4.jpg

Implications of Australia's Career Development Blueprint for China's College Students' Career Education


DOI : 10.62989/jss.2024.1.4.71

This study aims to conduct a a discussion on Australia's career education experience, analyze the Australian Blueprint for Career Development, and provide targeted reference for the development of career education of Chinese college students in China. Through analyzing the Australian Blueprint for Career Development, it is found that the blueprint thoroughly defines the career management abilities required by individuals in each stage, and supports the corresponding improvement strategies. On this basis, combined with the actual situation in China, this study puts forward suggestions on improving the career management ability of college students and developing the career education of college students, including the top-level design to strengthen the foundation of career education, the core of career education, and diversified subjects to help the development of career education.


1 澳大利亚生涯发展蓝图的提出背景

2 澳大利亚生涯发展蓝图的建构与特点

3 澳大利亚生涯蓝图对中国大学生生涯教育发展的启示

