Ethnic Minority Culture and the Principle of Legality of Crime and Punishment
- Journal of Sinological Studies(JSS)
- Vol.1 No.4
- 2024.12
- 80 - 87 (8 pages)
This study aims to explore the legal relationship and application methods between the leniency policy for ethnic minorities and the principle of equality before criminal law. Utilizing literature review and case analysis methods, coupled with legal provisions, this study reveals the dialectical relationship between ethnic minority culture and criminal law principles. The findings indicate that the flexibility of criminal law in ethnic minority areas does not violate the criminal law principles. Building upon these insights, the study proposes recommendations for further coordinating the cultural customs of ethnic minorities with the scope of criminal punishment, including restricting the punishment of physical harm crimes and violent interference with marital freedom crime. These findings are of significant importance for deepening the understanding of the flexible application of criminal law and enhancing the fairness and scientific nature of criminal accountability for ethnic minorities.
1 对少数民族犯罪人员从宽处理的政策根据
2 刑法面前人人平等与民族优待的辩证关系
3 宗族家长思想与少数民族地区的干涉婚姻犯罪处罚
4 抢婚与发生性关系后同意的强奸罪处罚限缩
5 公共安全与社会管理秩序犯罪的处罚限缩