최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Sinological Studies(JSS) Vol.1 No.4.jpg

The Exploration and Dissemination of the Aesthetic Education Value of the Maritime Silk Road Music Culture Under the 'Belt and Road' Initiative


DOI : 10.62989/jss.2024.1.4.103
  • 10

This study focuses on the aesthetic education value and communication strategy of the Maritime Silk Road music culture under the Belt and Road Initiative. This study deeply explores the unique charm, historical value and educational significance of the music culture of the Maritime Silk Road, revealing its important role in cultivating students' aesthetic taste, enhancing national cultural identity, and promoting international understanding and cooperation. In addition, this study also discusses how to use the “Belt and Road” platform, through digital technology, international music festivals, art education exchange programs and other channels, to effectively spread the aesthetic education value of the Maritime Silk Road music culture, expand its international influence, and contribute to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.


1 The historical context of the Maritime Silk Road music culture

2 The aesthetic education value of the maritime Silk Road music culture

3 The dissemination strategy of the aesthetic education value of music culture on the Maritime Silk Road

4 Case analysis

5 Conclusion

