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KCI등재 학술저널

병원 간호사의 잡 크래프팅 경험

Job Crafting Experiences of Hospital Nurses

DOI : 10.34089/jknr.2024.8.4.3
  • 8

Purpose : This study aimed to describe the job crafting experiences of nurses. Methods : Participants were seven nurses working in the hospital. Data were collected from August 19 to October 30, 2024, through exhaustive in-depth interviews. Colaizzi’s phenomenological method was used for data analysis. Results : We identified the following four categories consisting of eight theme clusters in the job crafting experiences of nurses : “New attempt at performing job tasks,” “Strengthening collaboration and bonds in professional relationships,” “Limitations due to realistic constraints,” and “Satisfaction through intrinsic rewards.” Nurses actively reorganized routine tasks, sought collaborative relationships with colleagues to implement changes, faced structural barriers in enacting job crafting, and found intrinsic satisfaction in their roles by redefining their professional contributions. Conclusion : Understanding nurses’job crafting experiences provides a basis for developing effective human resource management strategies to enhance the quality and depth of nursing services. This study suggests that systematic career development programs are needed to support nurses’job crafting efforts. Additionally, policy and institutional support system should be established to address the challenges nurses face in job crafting, thus improving the working environment and contributing to higher-quality patient care.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 연구결과

Ⅳ. 논 의

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언

