Regulatory Framework for Algorithmic Black Boxes on Super Algorithm Platforms
- Journal of Chinese Legal Studies (JCLS)
- Vol.1 No.3
- 2024.12
- 52 - 61 (10 pages)
With impact of the globalization, the influence of digital platforms is progressively broadening. At the same time, these platforms take management and control of data flow, content dissemination, and user interactions increasingly prominent through specific algorithm. However, the opacity surrounding the operational mechanisms of these algorithms has led to the emergence of the “algorithmic black box” phenomenon. This study deeply discuss an in-depth exploration of the platform algorithmic black box issue, with a particular emphasis on assessing its ramifications on user rights, market dynamics, and the legal and policy frameworks governing data. The study ultimately proposed several strategies to address the algorithmic black box problem and outlined potential future developments related to data laws and policies.
1 算法黑箱的成因分析
2 算法黑箱的表现形态
3 算法黑箱引起的风险
4 法律规制算法的可行性探讨
5 算法黑箱的规制方案
6 结论