Optimizing Pathways for Cultivating Application-Oriented Legal Talents in the New Employment Context
- Journal of Chinese Legal Studies (JCLS)
- Vol.1 No.3
- 2024.12
- 107 - 116 (10 pages)
Under the new employment landscape, undergraduate legal education faces significant challenges in cultivating application-oriented legal talents. This study aims to analyze the key factors influencing the employment of such talents and explore educational reform pathways to enhance their competitiveness in the job market. Based on the ecological systems theory, the study constructs a theoretical framework for analyzing the factors affecting the employment of undergraduate law students. It examines the disconnection between legal education and the job market from four dimensions:microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem. Through literature review and case studies, the research identifies key issues such as misaligned employment perceptions, nsufficient practical skills, single teaching methods, unreasonable curriculum design, and low societal demand for application-oriented legal talents. Accordingly, this study proposes recommendations such as optimizing teaching content, strengthening practice-oriented education, deepening university-enterprise collaboration, and enhancing societal recognition of application-oriented legal talents. By coordinating the elements of each system, the study provides new insights for bridging the gap between legal education and the job market and fostering high-quality legal professionals that meet market demands.
1 理论基础
2 影响法学本科生就业的生态系统圈层
3 提升法学本科生就业能力的实施路径
4 结语