Smart manufacturing systems play a pivotal role in Industry 4.0, facilitating critical tasks within the manufacturing environment. This study proposes a process-based modeling and simulation (PBM&S) method to support the implementation of such systems. The PBM&S method integrates resource information, functions, and process flows of entities to enable performance analysis through simulation. The PBM&S method consists of four main steps: (1) creating virtual unit models based on resource information; (2) developing encapsulated models by representing entity characteristics and process flows as modules; (3) identifying interrelationships between models and creating process-based models; and (4) performing performance analysis of the generated models using a simulation engine. A case study was conducted to evaluate the PBM&S method within the context of a shipbuilding production line. In conclusion, PBM&S can be integrated with advanced technologies such as cyber-physical systems (CPS), machine learning, and artificial intelligence, contributing significantly to the development of the manufacturing industry.
1. 서 론
2. 본 론
3. Case Study : Ship Production Planning Research on Ship Block Assembly Process
4. 결 론
후 기