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KCI등재 학술저널

부여 화지산유적 2019-2호 건물지의 건축고고학적 검토

An Architectural Archaeological Study on the Buyeo Hwajisan Historic Site No. 2019-2

DOI : 10.34265/mbmh.2024.44.68
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부여 화지산유적은 궁남지 주변에 자리하고 있는 부여지역의 대표적인 백제 건축유적이다. 선축된 벽주건물을 폐기하고 조성된 초석건물은 기와를 사용하였으나 수막새만 검출될 뿐 치미나 마루수막 새, 동단식와, 연목와, 부연와 등의 장식기와는 수습되지 않았다. 2019-2호 건물지는 화지산의 서향 사면에 입지하고 있으며, 기단석이 없는 무기단 초석건물로 축 조되었다. 전랑후실형의 건물구조로 내부는 통칸으로 이루어졌고, 벽체는 주선이 없는 산자토벽으로 확인되었다. 무기단의 초석건물지는 백제시기 제단으로 알려진 서천 봉선리유적 내의 장방형건물지 에서도 확인된 바 있다. 하지만 백제 사비기의 사지나 추정 왕궁지 등의 초석건물지가 대부분 기단을 갖추고 있다는 점에서 특수성과 함께 희소성을 가지고 있다고 할 수 있다. 그동안 2019-2호 건물지를 포함한 화지산유적은 이궁이나 연회장, 객관 등으로 추정되었다. 그러 나 쪽구들과 같은 난방시설과 취사를 위한 야외의 부뚜막시설이 부재하고, 주변에 대형 빙고가 조성된 점, 그리고 건물지 수에 비해 우물이 한 기만 조성되었다는 사실에서 이궁이나 연회장, 객관보다는 제 의와 관련된 예제건축물로 생각된다.

The remains of Buyeo Hwajisan are the representative Baekje architectural remains in Buyeo, located around Gungnamji. The building with wooden pillars built first was removed, and the cornerstone building built used roof tiles, but only the roof-end male tile was detected, the decoration tiles such as chimi, ridge roof-end male tile, rafter tile, additional rafter tile were not found. The No. 2019-2 building site is located on the west-facing slope of Hwajisan and was built as a cornerstone building without a base stone. There was a corridor in the front and a room in the back, and the inside was made up of a one space and the wall was found to be built with a sanja(橵子) of clay wall without a columnar line(柱楦). A cornerstone building site without a base stone has also been confirmed in the rectangular building site within the remains of Bongseon-ri, Seocheon, known as the Baekje Dynasty Altar. However, It can be said that the cornerstone building sites, such as the temple site and presumed to be the site of a royal palace of the Baekje Sabi period have both specificity and scarcity in that they mostly have base stones. So far, the remains of Hwajisan, including building site No. 2019-2 has been presumed to be a Detached Palace, a banquet hall and a residence for foreign envoys, ect. However, It was considered to be a Ceremonial building related to a ritual rather than a Detached palace, a banquet hall, or a residence for foreign envoys in that there are no heating facilities such as tunnelshaped heating system, outdoor kitchen range, and large ice store house was built around the area, and there was only one well compared to the number of buildings.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 화지산유적 2019-2호 건물지의 발굴자료 검토

Ⅲ. 화지산유적 2019-2호 건물지의 구조 분석과 성격

Ⅳ. 맺음말
