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KCI등재 학술저널

미국소설의 퀘이커리즘

Quakerism in American Fiction

DOI : 10.55986/cell.2024.9.3.1
  • 16

Quakerism, with its emphasis on the “Inner Light,” peace, simplicity, and equality, has played a significant role in American literature and history. This study explores the representation of Quaker values in American novels, particularly their commitment to pacifism, social justice, and spiritual introspection. By analyzing works such as Jessamyn West's The Friendly Persuasion and Theodore Dreiser's The Bulwark, the paper highlights how Quaker protagonists embody these principles amid societal and personal challenges. The analysis underscores the historical and literary impact of Quaker ideals, including their influence on movements like the abolition of slavery and women's rights. While Quakerism's spiritual ethos offers a counterbalance to materialism and conflict in both literature and society, its relevance in addressing modern ethical dilemmas is also considered. The paper concludes that the Quaker belief in social responsibility and inner spirituality provides a critical framework for fostering peace and equity in contemporary global contexts.

1. 퀘어커리즘

2 퀘이커와 청교도

3. 평등, 평화, 검소함으로 물질과 차별에 저항하는 공동체의 삶

4. 퀘이커리즘의 현대적 의미와 과제

