The purpose of this study is to analyze and review expressions of euphemism and political correctness in political speeches. For this analysis, the concept of euphemism was examined and the concept of political correctness, which is contrasted with euphemism, was analyzed and understood. Although leaders of English-speaking countries rarely make vivid and moving speeches in English, the fact that other political circles create and use numerous terms that are unique, original, and accurately describe reality shows that political speeches often include euphemisms and political correctness terms. Therefore, the use of these terms in a political context can be seen as clearly expressing intentions. The significance of this study is to lay the foundation for understanding American English expressions used in speeches by analyzing the forms in which various politicians use euphemisms and political correctness in their speeches, and I believe that this foundation has been sufficiently proven through this study.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 정치 연설에 나타난 다양한 표현들
Ⅳ. 결론