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KCI등재 학술저널

합성 열대폭풍 모델을 이용한 무역항 주변의 태풍특성 분석 및 구축

Analysis of Typhoon Characteristics and Database Construction around Trade Ports Using a Synthetic Tropical Cyclone Model

DOI : 10.20481/kscdp.2024.11.4.151

This study aims to analyze the characteristics of typhoons passing through trade ports in Korea using the synthetic tropical cyclone generation technique, the STORM model. Developed by the Institute for Environmental Studies at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the STORM model generates synthetic typhoons based on historical typhoon data, monthly mean sea level pressure, and sea surface temperatures. This study utilized typhoon data from 1980 to 2022 to analyze historical typhoons affecting Korea’s trade ports and applied the STORM model to generate and evaluate various synthetic typhoon scenarios. The generated synthetic typhoons were compared with the RSMC Best Track Data (BTD) to assess the model’s applicability and accuracy. The analysis showed generally consistent trends in typhoon paths, genesis locations, and central pressures, although there was some tendency to overestimate central pressures and wind speeds in specific latitude ranges. Analysis of typhoon parameters for 31 trade ports indicated that approximately 2% of the synthetic typhoons passed through these ports, with increased maximum wind speeds and a 3.4-5.9% decrease in central pressures compared to historical data, suggesting an intensification of typhoon strength. The study results have been compiled into a database to support port infrastructure design around Korea’s trade ports.

1. 서 론

2. 역사태풍 분석

3. 합성태풍 모델을 이용한 가상태풍 생성

4. 합성태풍 모델을 이용한 무역항의 통과 태풍분석 및 DB구축

5. 결 론

감사의 글

