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한국연안방재학회지 제11권 제4호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

식생에 따른 하천 및 하구의 홍수위 및 유속 변동성 평가

Assessment on Variations of Flow Velocity and Flood level of River and Estuary due to Vegetation

DOI : 10.20481/kscdp.2024.11.4.187

Vegetation along rivers is likely to play a role of roughness causing to increase river water level and flow velocity. During floods, floodwaters from the main channel overflow into the floodplain and increase the flow resistance due to the influence of vegetation, causing the flood level to rise. In case vegetation in rivers is formed near estuary, the flow resistance by vegetation may affect flow pattern along rivers. In this study, the characteristics of water level and flow velocity in rivers and estuaries that occur when a vegetation zone is located in a section about 1 km from the estuary were investigated by analyzing the results of numerical simulations. The aim of this study was to analyse the variability of water level and flow velocity in rivers and estuaries that may be caused by natural vegetation area in rivers or by planting as riverfront. Through numerical analysis using a two-dimensional numerical model, transverse flow analysis in a vegetated section and longitudinal flow analysis including an estuary of about 3 km were performed and their characteristics were presented.

1. 서 론

2. 연구방법

3. 수치모의 결과

4. 결 론

감사의 글

