최근 검색어 전체 삭제
사회언어학 제32권 4호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

재독한인 1.5세의 언어 정체성에 대한 질적 연구: 소속감 희구 여정을 중심으로

A qualitative study on the language identity of a 1.5 generation of Korean-German: Focusing on the journey of seeking belonging

DOI : 10.14353/sjk.2024.32.4.02
  • 10

This study analyzes the language identity of a 1.5 generation Korean woman in her 30s through a qualitative research method, focusing on her journey of seeking a stable sense of belonging, and reveals its sociocultural implications. The research participant is a woman in her 30s who moved to Germany, with her family in her early teens. She chose, maintained, and strengthened her sense of belonging between Korean and German in the following ways. First, the participant held German citizenship but did not consider herself to have citizenship rights. Second, she perceived people who spoke Korean well as attractive and wanted to connect with Korea. Third, the participant utilized her Korean language skills to position herself as marked German. This study is significant in that it explores the process by which a 1.5 generation Korean woman constructs her language identities, builds a sense of belonging, and shapes her meaning of existence, thereby contributing to a deeper understanding of the various aspects of Korean diaspora.

1. 들어가며

2. 한인의 독일 이주와 재독한인의 정체성

3. 국민국가의 경계에서 구성되는 재외한인의 언어 정체성

4. 연구 대상과 연구 방법

5. 언어 정체성과 소속감의 상호침투와 지속적인 역동성

6. 나가며

