물리치료학과 학생의 체력과 운동변화단계, 자기효능감, 의사소통능력에 관한 상관관계
The Correlation between Physical Fitness, Stage of Exercise Change, Self-Efficacy, and Communication Ability on Physical Therapist Student
- 대한치료과학회
- 대한치료과학회지
- Vol. 16, No. 2
- : KCI등재후보
- 2024.11
- 15 - 23 (9 pages)
Objective: This study was conducted to identify the correlation between physical fitness, stage of exercise change, self-efficacy, and communication ability, which are considered core competencies of physical therapists, and to suggest directions for education and guidance in universities. Method: Among 171 participants, 157 who had normal physical tests and questionnaires were analyzed for each factor. Results: As physical fitness improved, the stage of exercise change, self-efficacy, and communication ability showed a significant positive correlation, and the stage of exercise change, self-efficacy, and communication ability also showed a significant positive correlation. Conclusion: If universities provide various programs and environments that encourage regular physical activity and increase exercise participation in order to improve the physical strength of physical therapy students, it is expected that physical therapy students will be able to provide high-quality medical services as physical therapists with healthy bodies and minds.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구 방법
Ⅲ. 결과
Ⅳ. 고찰