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KCI등재 학술저널

이마바리선주업의 형성과정에 관한 연구

Analysis on the development process of Imabari Shipowners

DOI : 10.15798/kaici.2024.26.4.111
  • 12

이 논문은 일본의 이마바리선주가 현재와 같이 번영한 이유를 분석하여 우리나라에서 추진하는 한국형 선주업 육성에 대한 시사점을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위하여 이마바리 선주가 범선 시대에서 기선 시대로, 그리고 소형 기선에서 원양 선사로 진화하는 역사적 과정을 분석한다. 분석 결과, 이마바리 선주의 번영은 기업가 정신에 충만한 업자의 성공 사례를 모방, 개별 선박 운영 기술과 선박 관리 노하우의 축적, 지역 금융산업과 조선업과 같은 해운 관련 지역 인프라의 발전, 기업가들 사이에 형성된 독특한 지역적 유대 관계에 기인하였다. 그 과정에서 이마바리 선주의 발전에서 지역 조선 산업이 수행한 역할에 대하여 논하고, .조선업의 역동적인 리더들의 행동과 기업가적 활동도 이마바리 선주의 성장에 중요한 역할을 했음을 분석하였다.

The role of Imabari Shipowners is crucial in the Japanese shipping industry, owning about 30% of the country’s fleet. Today, Imabari Shipowners are recognized as one of the top four shipowners in the world, continuously adapting to market changes to establish their position. Imabari's corporate culture, rooted in piracy and shipping, draws influence from the Murakami pirates and is characterized by a challenging and closed nature based on mutual cooperation among local businesses. They laid the groundwork for modern shipping through coal transport using sailing ships during the Meiji Restoration, particularly in the Seto Inland Sea. After World War II, they rapidly transitioned from smaller vessels to larger ones thanks to innovative financing from local shipyards. The family-oriented ownership model helped reduce crew costs and enhance the value of used ships. Furthermore, with the enactment of the Coastal Shipping Act in 1965, Imabari Shipowners began shifting to coastal vessels with fewer regulations. By the 1970s, they had started collaborating with major Japanese shipping companies to enter the global market. Over time, they transformed from a management model that combined sales and ownership to a pure ship-owning focus. By the 1990s, they actively engaged in ship leasing not only within Japan but also with global companies, currently owning 1,199 foreign vessels. The growth of Imabari Shipowners results from multiple factors, including cooperation with local shipyards, changes in Japanese government policies, and family-centered management. Innovative leaders like Toshiyuki Higaki, who took risks for new market entry, and Hisaо Tsubouchi, who introduced installment financing to reduce construction burdens, played significant roles. In conclusion, the development of Imabari Shipowners provides insights for fostering Korean-style shipownership: 1)Specialization as a shipowner, separating themselves from operational aspects that require substantial funding and global networks. 2)Establishing cooperation among related regional companies, creating a synergistic maritime cluster with local financial institutions and shipyards. 3)Continuously integrating accumulated experiences and innovations over more than a century in response to transitions from sailing to motor vessels, and from small to large ships.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 선행연구의 분석

Ⅲ. 근대적 해운업의 출현과 발전

Ⅳ. 글로벌선주로의 발전

Ⅴ. 결론과 시사점

