최근 검색어 전체 삭제
인간식물환경학회지(JPPE) 제27권 제6호.jpg

Psychological and Physiological Effects of Creating a Seasonal Roadside Flowerscape on Police Officials

DOI : 10.11628/ksppe.2024.27.6.537
  • 5

Background and objective: This study was conducted to find out the psychological and physiological effects of creating aseasonal roadside flowerscape on police officials. Methods: Police officials created and managed a spring flowerscape in the outer space of their workplace, through whichthe effects on stability, relaxation, and attention could be examined through brainwave changes. EEG measurements andsurveys were conducted twice before and after the experiment on a total of 18 men and women with an average age of37.1 ± 9.0. Results: As a result of investigating the changes in the EEG and ECG of police officials, it was found that not only stability,relaxation (RSMT: Ratio of (SMR-mid beta) to theta), and attention (RMT:Ratio of mid beta to theta, RMB: Relative mid betapower spectrum), but also brain activity (SEF 50%:Spectral edge frequency 50%) increased after creating a roadsideflowerscape compared to before (p < .05). As a result of examining the difference between positive and negative affect ofpolice officials before and after creating the roadside flowerscape, it was found that positive affect tended to increase aftercreating the flowerscape, while negative affect tended to decrease, indicating the positive effect of the flowerscape. Policeofficials’ preference for flower landscapes increased after creating the flowerscape (p < .05). As for the correlations betweenkey variables and loyalty to the seasonal roadside flowerscape, loyalty, positive affect, and flowerscape preference of policeofficials showed positive correlations, while negative correlations were found with negative affect, showing statisticalsignificance. The results of this study indicate that creating a seasonal roadside flowerscape inside and outside the workplaceof police officials increases stability, relaxation, and attention of police officials while decreasing tension and stress. Conclusion: Therefore, the positive effects of creating a natural landscape using plants for police officials suffering fromsevere occupational trauma could improve their quality of life and relieve stress.


Research Methods

Results and Discussion


