Non-destructive Detection of Growth and Quality in Basil Seedlings Grown in a Plant Factory
- 인간식물환경학회
- 인간식물환경학회지(JPPE)
- 제27권 제6호
- 2024.12
- 551 - 560 (10 pages)
Background and objective: Basil is one of the high-value crops cultivated in plant factories. The production of uniform andhealthy seedlings has a direct impact on the yield and quality of the final harvest. The objectives of this study were; (1) toascertain whether non-destructive detecting parameters [projected canopy area (PCA) and vegetation indices (VIs)] couldpredict changes in growth and quality of basil seedlings, and (2) to determine the feasibility of grading basil seedlings basedon PCA to establish a baseline for stable yields after transplanting. Methods: Basil seedlings were grown in 2- and 3-day irrigation cycles for 25 days after sowing, and the growth parametersand image analysis parameters using a multispectral camera were examined at regular intervals. The correlations betweengrowth parameters and PCA/VIs were investigated to detect growth and quality of basil seedlings. At the time oftransplanting, the basil seedlings were classified into grades A-D based on their PCA values, and the growth and yield aftertransplanting of basil seedlings in each grade were evaluated. Results: The basil seedlings in the 3-day irrigation treatment showed higher growth, and the correlation between the PCAvalues and the leaf area and fresh weight resulted in a coefficient of determination greater than 0.93. Among the VIs, theVARI, GI, and NGRDI were correlated with the growth and quality with coefficients of determination greater than 0.6. And,the growth and yield after transplanting were dependent on the seedling grade based on PCA values at the time oftransplanting. Conclusion: This study confirmed that it is possible to predict the growth and quality of basil seedlings using nondestructiveimage analysis, and that the grading criteria for basil seedlings that can be expected to produce stable yieldsafter transplanting can be determined using image analysis.
Research Methods
Results and Discussion