최근 검색어 전체 삭제
인간식물환경학회지(JPPE) 제27권 제6호.jpg

Effect of Soilless Substrate Volumetric Water Content on Particulate Matter Reduction in a Plant-Based Biofilter System

DOI : 10.11628/ksppe.2024.27.6.575
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Background and objective: This study was conducted to quantify the reduction of particulate matter (PM) through aplant-based biofilter system, with the moisture content of the soilless substrate set at at different levels to enablecomparison. Methods: For the experiment, a biofilter system (0.054 m3) consisting of an upper part with plants and soilless substrateacting as a filter and a lower part incorporating a wind blower for air circulation was constructed. Four Aglaonemacommutatum 'Snow white' were planted in the biofilter system. Volumetric water content (VWC, %) of the substrate wasset at different levels between 10% to 40%. The initial PM concentration in the sealed glass chamber (5.88 m3) was setto 500 μg·m-3, and the changes in PM concentration were measured 15 minutes after operation of the biofilter system. Results: As the substrate VWC in the biofilter system increased, the amount of PM2.5 and PM10 reduction decreased, witha linear response (p < .001), mostly due to increased pressure drop (PD) and decreased airflow rate (AFR) of the biofiltersystem. As the substrate VWC increased (from 10% to 40%), the PD increased (from 0.040 to 0.118 kPa), and AFRdecreased (from 112.7 to 76.8 m3·h-1). Conclusion: Consequently, as the substrate VWC increased from 10% to 40%, the PD of the air passing through thesubstrate increased and the AFR decreased, resulting in a significant decrease in the PM reduction efficiency. Furtherresearch is required to determine the optimal substrate VWC that is effective in reducing PM without increasing the PD,while maintaining the proper growth of the plants.


Research Methods

Results and Discussion


