An Analysis of the Value and Profitability of Horticulture-Based Agro-healing Programs for Depression Reduction
- 인간식물환경학회
- 인간식물환경학회지(JPPE)
- 제27권 제6호
- 2024.12
- 701 - 713 (13 pages)
Background and objective: This study analyzed the economic value of horticulture-based Agro-healing (HBAH) programsand considered how they can achieve profitability, as basic research for their sustainable operation. Methods: The research target program is an HBAH program for depression reduction, targeting groups diagnosed withdepression or at high-risk of depression from 19 to 65 years old. A survey was conducted with 95 individuals related toAgro-healing, and based on the survey results, an analysis was performed on the replaceable cost, market size, andprofitability by considering the medical expenses of depression patients, the consumer spending items that can bereplaced by the effects of therapeutic farming programs, the remuneration for Agro-healing specialists and auxiliarypersonnel, and the appropriate number of such personnel. Results: An analysis of the cost scale that HBAH programs can replace found that the replaceable cost could be about 2.8trillion won. By combining the number of mental health institutions and care farms, and the number of eligible participants,it was found that assuming that six sessions run in a year, 256,400 people will participate at approximately 2,850institutions and farms in 2028. , enabling the programs to run 17,100 sessions in 2028. Profitability should be ensured forthe sustainable operation of Agro-healing programs. In this regard, it was confirmed that participation fees should rangefrom a minimum of 31,211 won to a maximum of 45,346 won per session. Conclusion: This study is meaningful in that it performed a basic analysis of the economic value of individual Agro-healingprograms and a profitability analysis for the sustainable operation of Agro-healing programs.
Research Methods
Results and Discussion