Objectives This study aimed to review the trends in clinical approaches to the Korean medicine treatment of Meralgia Paresthetica. Methods We used five Korean online databases and four international databases. A total of 175 papers were searched from 9 electronic databases. Among these papers, we excluded studies for which we could not obtain full texts, studies that were not re- lated to Korean medicine, studies that were not clinical studies, and duplicate studies. Results 24 case studies and four randomized controlled trials were selected. Ten traditional Korean medicine treatments including acupuncture, cupping therapy, physiotherapy, herbal medicine were used in these studies. The most commonly used treatment was acupuncture, followed by moxibustion and physical therapy. 11 evaluation indicators were used, and among them, effective rate was used the most in 19 articles. Conclusions Our study showed that traditional Korean medicine for Meralgia Paresthetica was effective. However, most of the studies had a limitation in that the level of evidence was low. Further studies such as randomized controlled clinical trials are required for more evidence on Korean traditional medicine.
1. 서론
2. 연구대상 및 방법
3. 결과
4. 고찰
5. 결론