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KCI등재 학술저널

사철(私鐵)과 금강산 개발을 통해 본식민지 지배 - 구메 다미노스케(久米民之助)와 금강산전기철도

A self-made man in Meiji, Kume Taminosuke and his Kongosan electric railway in colonial Korea

DOI : 10.35647/kjna.2024.47.153
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A self-made man in Meiji era, Kume Taminosuke(1861-1931) established a private railway company, Kongosan electric railway in 1919. Kume, originally from a needy family, accumulated wealth managing several companies, and he also experienced imperial diet(House of representatives). But he considered himself as a businessman and also an investor, he sought for new investment in colony. Relying on supporting policy of the Japanese Government-General of Korea, he observed carefully Geumgang mountain(so-called diamond mountain) as a safe and new investment amid economic recession after the first world war. He strongly believed in value and potentiality of Geumgang mountain and profit-making as a tourist resort. In other hand, the Japanese Government-General of Korea tried to attract private capital to develop colonial Korea and build railroad in local areas. The Japanese Government-General of Korea guaranteed subsidy, a free rental of state-owned land and also supported with resort development and national park plan. Kume’s management method would be described as remote management from Tokyo, and management using personal connections and network. Even though he was the president of company, he resided at Tokyo until his death. He managed the company by scouting famous enterprisers, railroad experts and retirees from the Japanese government-general of Korea. Using political capacity of himself and company executives, Kume was absorbed in building railway and destination development. Under the institutional support and financial aid, consequently Kongosan electric railway was subordinate to the Japanese Government-General of Korea. Unlike private railways in mainland Japan, Kongosan electric railway has management system like a state-run company. This characteristic of private railways in colonial Korea shows an aspect of colonial rule of Japanese imperialism.


Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 입신출세의 실업가 구메 다미노스케

Ⅲ. 금강산전기철도의 설립·운영과 조선총독부

Ⅵ. 전체 노선의 개통과 관광지 개발

Ⅴ. 맺음말
