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한일민족문제연구 제47집.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

각성제를 둘러싼 재일조선인 표상의 정치학 - 국회회의록과 신문 미디어 담론을 중심으로

The politics of representation of Koreans in Japan surrounding stimulant drugs : Focusing on The Diet Record and newspaper media discourse

DOI : 10.35647/kjna.2024.47.237
  • 29

Stimulant drugs manufactured during the war have been widely distributed in Japanese society since the defeat, and as their abuse and side effects have caused social problems, the need for national management and control has emerged. However, it is noteworthy that the discourse of Koreans in Japan frequently appears in the process of national management and control over stimulant drugs. In particular, since July 1951, when the Stimulants Control Act was enacted, the negative image of Koreans in Japan as a social evil engaged in the illegal production and trafficking of stimulant drugs was widespread, not only in newspaper discourse but also in debates in The Diet Record. Koreans in Japan were also the target of criticism as an element of anxiety that disturbed the national system and destroyed social order. Indeed, in the discourse surrounding stimulant drugs, the image of Koreans in Japan was repeatedly spread as a disturbing presence plotting ‘ethnic plots’ and ‘ideological plots’ against Japanese society. Furthermore, the discourse surrounding stimulant drugs was also developing in the direction of stimulating nationalism in postwar Japan. Therefore, the representation of Koreans in Japan regarding stimulant drugs served as the basis for justifying not only the crackdown and punishment that postwar Japanese society imposed on Koreans in Japan, but also the discrimination and exclusion, as well as forced expulsion.


Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 각성제취체법 성립 과정의 국회회의록

Ⅲ. 각성제취체법 성립 이후의 신문 미디어 담론

Ⅳ. 각성제취체법 개정과 재일조선인 담론

Ⅴ. 맺음말
