Among the newly organized history course “Integrated history” textbooks in 2022, the top five descriptions related to modern Korean history were analyzed by dividing them into six topics. The six topics are the Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War, the forced annexation process and colonial rule, the national movement after the March 1st Movement, the massacre of Koreans in the Great Kanto Earthquake and Koreans in Japan, the wartime mobilization of Koreans. As for the Sino-Japanese War, it can be pointed out as a common problem that there is no explanation of the cause of the outbreak of the Donghak Peasant War and the damage or experience of the Korean people. Some textbooks describe imperialist aggression as “foreign expansion.” even. As for the Russo-Japanese War, no textbook has written that Japan’s victory has had a “positive impact” on Asian countries as the Japanese government wishes. However, like the Sino-Japanese War, the existence of the Korean people is not depicted at all. Descriptions related to forced annexation and colonial rule are not much different, and <Tokyo> is characterized by a comparative description with Taiwan, and <Jikkyo> is characterized by using various materials and examples to increase understanding of colonial Joseon. There is no big difference in statements made by textbooks in the March 1st Movement. It is noteworthy that this theme also describes the 2.8 Declaration of Independence, the spread of the Movement abroad, and subsequent national and socialist movements, which are not covered in other textbooks. However, there is not enough information to convey to students the independence movement of Joseon, which continued until liberation. Finally, the description of the mobilization of Koreans in wartime was divided into labor, military, and “Japanese military comfort women,” and although most textbooks deal with it, information and meaning about the actual nature of the damage and responsibility for the damage are not conveyed. Most textbooks point out that Japan’s relationship with Asia has been passed down as an official opinion of the Japanese government, citing Murayama’s statement of remorse and apology for colonial rule in the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II in 1995. It shows that this issue is the key to Japan’s ability to play a role in Asia and even in the international community.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. ‘역사총합’의 성격과 교과서 간행 현황
Ⅲ. 청일전쟁에서 강제병합까지, 그리고 식민 지배
Ⅳ. 3.1운동에서 아시아 태평양전쟁까지
Ⅴ. 맺음말