面向岗位胜任力的高职活页式教材开发研究——以《AIGC 基础与应用》教材为例
Research on the Development of Ring-bound Textbooks for Competency-Based Vocational Education—A Case Study of the Textbook AIGC Fundamentals and Applications
- YIXIN 출판사
- Journal of Education and Teaching
- Vol.2 No.12
- 2024.12
- 1 - 7 (7 pages)
This study focuses on the development of competency-based curriculum for higher vocational education, taking the development of the textbook AIGC Fundamentals and Applications as an example. It explores in-depth the conceptual features of ring-bound textbooks and systematically investigates strategies for the development of their content, resources, and formats. The research constructs a comprehensive development process, including demand analysis, content design, resource integration, and feedback optimization, which is divided into three stages: preparation, implementation, and refinement. The study emphasizes the precise alignment of textbook content with the competencies required for vocational roles. This research provides innovative insights into the development of ring-bound textbooks within the context of the “Five Major Construction” in vocational education.
本研究针对高职教育岗位胜任力培养,以《AIGC 基础与应用》教材开发为例,深入探讨了活页式教材的内涵特征,并对其内容、资源及形式的开发策略进行了系统研究。研究构建了一个包含需求分析、内容设计、资源整合及反馈优化等环节的完整开发流程,分为预备、实施和完善三个阶段,强调了教材内容与职业岗位能力的精准对接。本研究为职业教育“五金”建设中活页式教材开发提供了新的思路。
Ⅰ. 引言
Ⅱ. 高职活页式教材的内涵特征
Ⅲ. 高职活页式教材的开发策略
Ⅳ. 高职活页式教材的开发流程
Ⅴ. 结论与展望