The Dilemma and Solution of Judicial Review of Explanatory Administrative Rules
- Journal of Chinese Legal Studies (JCLS)
- Vol.2 No.1
- 2025.01
- 44 - 52 (9 pages)
With the deepening of administrative rule of law construction, explanatory administrative rules play an increasingly important role in administrative management. However, the issue of its legality and rationality has attracted social attention, especially in the process of judicial review, which faces challenges such as conflicts between judicial review and administrative professionalism, unclear review standards, and a lack of review intensity system. By drawing on international experience and comparative analysis, as well as some case studies, optimization suggestions have been proposed for administrative agencies to explain procedures, improve judicial review standards, and construct a judicial review intensity system. Ensure a balance between judicial review, administrative efficiency, and legal protection, and promote the stability and transparency of the administrative legal system.
1 解释性行政规则基本概述
2 解释性行政规则司法审查的困境
3 国外司法审查机制的经验借鉴
4 解决困境的可能出路
5 结语