Renowned Across East Asia: A Reassessment of the Controversial Evaluation of Empress Wu Zetian
- Journal of Sinological Studies(JSS)
- Vol.2 No.1
- 2025.01
- 1 - 10 (10 pages)
The evaluation of historical figures is often influenced by a complex interplay of factors, including historical facts, evaluative standards, socio-historical contexts, and personal motivations. As the only female emperor in Chinese history, Wu Zetian's legacy resonates far and wide, inciting intense debates in China and Japan. This paper seeks to transcend the traditional limitations of national perspectives and dynastic historiography by adopting an East Asian lens to reexamine the evolving focal points of her controversial legacy. It explores four central issues in the discourse surrounding Wu Zetian: the implications of her dual roles as empress and emperor, the successes and failures of her political appointments, allegations of cruelty, accusations of sexual promiscuity, and whether she can be considered a proto-feminist advocate. Furthermore, the study investigates the underlying causes behind the shifting standards for evaluating historical figures.
1 执政时期至安史之乱前:帝后身份之争
2 安史之乱后至明初期:政治得失之论
3 明中期至清末:私生活之议
4 二十世纪以来:是否为女性主义倡导者之评
5 结语