“Revolution of the System”and“System of Revolution” : Reading Huang Daoxuan's Iron Current: The Operation of the Revolutionary System of the Chinese Communist Party during the Wartime (1937-1945)
- Journal of Chinese Marxism Studies (JCMS)
- Vol.2 No.1
- 2025.01
- 1 - 13 (13 pages)
Huang Daoxuan's book Iron Current:The Operation of the Revolutionary System of the Chinese Communist Party during the Wartime(1937-1945)describes the specific operation of the CCP's disciplinary system,policy implementation system,and survival and resistance system during the wartime period with informative historical materials,outlining the CCP's rigid and flexible character traits,and revealing the interplay between the operation of the revolutionary system and the CCP's character traits,which provides new perspectives on understanding the growth of the CCP and the Chinese Revolution.It provides a new perspective for understanding the growth of the CCP and the Chinese revolution.The“revolution of the system”and the“system of the revolution ” are important manifestations of the systemic character of the Chinese revolution,which are closely related and mutually influential,and have jointly shaped the CCP's character traits of rigidity and flexibility.Based on Huang Daoxuan's thesis,this paper explores the dual facets of rigidity and flexibility of the CCP during the wartime period from the dimensions of“systemic revolution”and“revolutionary system”:on the one hand,the CCP insisted on pursuing a comprehensive,holistic,and thorough“systemic revolution”;on the other hand,the CCP insisted on pursuing the“systemic revolution” and“systemic system”of the Chinese revolution.On the one hand,the CCP insisted on pursuing a comprehensive,holistic and thorough“systemic revolution”to maintain the rigidity of a Marxist party;on the other hand,the CCP achieved a dialectical unity of principle and flexibility in the operation of the“revolutionary system,”highlighting the flexible side of the CCP's political party under the premise of rigidity.The system concept is the CPC's political requirement and empirical wisdom,and it is precisely the CPC's mastery and mature application of the system concept that lies behind the formation of the character trait of rigidity and flexibility.
1 引言
2 “系统的革命”:中国革命系统性特征的一个应然分析
3 革命的系统:战时中共革命系统化运作的刚性与柔性
4 讨论:在“系统的革命”与“革命的系统”中锻造刚柔相济的中共
5 结语