최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Chinese Marxism Studies(JCMS) Vol.2 No.1.jpg

Labor Alienation and Marxist Justice in the AI Era: A Theoretical Response


DOI : 10.62989/jcms.2025.2.1.22

The rapid development of artificial intelligence technology has profoundly reshaped labor relations and production models, posing novel challenges to the traditional conception of justice.In the Marxist Theory of Justice framework, the weakening of labor subjectivity, imbalance in wealth distribution, and labor alienation have emerged as the core issues, reflecting the profound impact of the logic of capital on the application of technology. To achieve a harmonious balance between technological advancement and social justice, it is imperative to recalibrate production relations, enhance the efficiency of distribution mechanisms, and promote the dissemination of technology to the public.The reinstatement of labor subjectivity, the promotion of equitable distribution mechanisms, and the fortification of ethical norms are pivotal in addressing the conundrum of labor justice.The collaborative integration of institutional innovation, technological norms, and the professional development of workers will serve as the foundation for establishing a equitable and just societal framework.


1 马克思正义思想的内涵

2 人工智能时代劳动正义的困境

3 人工智能时代马克思正义思想的回应

4 人工智能时代的正义实现路径

5 结论

