최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Chinese Marxism Studies(JCMS) Vol.2 No.1.jpg

Research on Group Portrait of New Era Young Party Members in Promoting of the Great Spirit of Building the Party


DOI : 10.62989/jcms.2025.2.1.47

In order to better understand current status of young Party members promoting the great spirit of building the Party in the new era, and to enhance the scientificity and pertinence of Party member education and training, this study utilizes the qualitative text analysis tool Nvivo to explore the key characteristics of the great spirit of building the Party in the cognition, emotion, will, and behavior of young Party members from relevant written materials. The findings indicate that in promoting great spirit of building the party, young Party members pursue truth and hold firm beliefs cognitively, but their understanding lacks depth; they exhibit a strong sense of patriotism emotionally,but their sense of mission and responsibility is somewhat weak; they dare to fight, but a few lack a sense of vigilance in terms of will; they are brave in self-revolution, but their influence in serving the people is insufficient in terms of action.Building upon these insights, this study proposes that in the new era, it is necessary to establish an integrated curriculum system for ideological and political education to consolidate the ideological foundation;leverage the educational advantages of internet culture to foster a profound sense of patriotism;grasp firmly the entire chain of Party member cultivation and education to enhance their combat capabilities; promote a project-based social practice model to enhance spontaneous action.

为更好地了解新时代青年党员弘扬伟大建党精神现状,提高党员教育培养的科学性与针对性,研究基于Nvivo 质性文本分析工具从党员相关文字材料中挖掘伟大建党精神在青年党员认知、情感、意志、行为的关键性特征。研究发现,青年党员弘扬伟大建党精神在认知上追求真理坚定信念,但理论理解深入不够;在情感上爱国情怀浓烈,但使命责任感稍弱;在意志上敢于斗争,但少数缺乏忧患意识;在行动上勇于自我革命,但为人民服务影响力不足。基于此,本研究提出新时代高校青年党员弘扬伟大建党精神的实践路径需要构建一体化大思政课程体系,筑牢思想根基;发挥网络文化育人优势,厚植爱国情怀;抓牢党员培养教育全链条,增强斗争本领;推动项目化社会实践模式,增强行动自觉。

1 伟大建党精神研究动态

2 群体画像分析框架构建及分析过程

3 高校青年党员弘扬伟大建党精神群体画像特征

4 新时代高校青年党员弘扬伟大建党精神实践路径

