This paper aims to explore the unique agencement and agency of the ‘human-car’ collective bodies that emerged during the Gwangju 5.18 Uprising. To this end, based on the ideas and theories of Gilles Deleuze, who developed his unique theory of the body via Spinoza, the aspects of the human-car collective bodies was analyzed from the perspective of the ‘puissance’ and ‘composition’ of bodies. As a result, the various aspects of the human-car collective bodies that emerged during the uprising could be named as ‘expressionmachine,’ ‘contagion machine,’ and ‘combat machine.’ In addition, instead of viewing the armed citizen’s militia organization and the YWCA public relations team organization that led the uprising as a single and homogeneous entity, they could be interpreted as a kind of ‘multiplicité’ created by the alliance(alliage) of human and non-human elements.
Ⅰ. 기세(氣勢)
Ⅱ. 역량(puissance)
Ⅲ. 합성(composition)
Ⅳ. 혼종(hybrid)