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KCI등재후보 학술저널

‘5.18 영화’와 죄책감의 윤리학

‘5.18 Cinema’ and the Ethics of Guiltiness

DOI : 10.55082/jdp.2024.7.2.3

The 1980 Gwangju Uprising is interpreted in this paper as both a state of emergency and a revolutionary experience, employing theoretical frameworks drawn from Benjamin, Agamben, and Arendt. Specifically, it explores how the category of “5.18 films” narrativizes these historical conditions, with particular attention to the theme of guiltiness. A defining characteristic of these films is the portrayal of guiltiness experienced by both perpetrators and victims. Perpetrators are depicted as oscillating between an “original humanity” and a “natural humanity,” while victims grapple with a profound sense of original sin, stemming from their perceived failure to fully participate in the climactic moments of the uprising. This sense of guiltiness often manifests in forms of severe self-punishment. However, the pursuit of an ascetic communal identity, driven by the repressive demands of the super-ego, is critically problematized. Instead, it emphasizes the significance of the communal and revolutionary spirit of May Gwangju, which must be infinitely repeated and renewed.

Ⅰ. 서론: ‘5.18 영화’의 세 가지 유형

Ⅱ. ‘80년 해방광주’라는 역사적 열림의 시공간

Ⅲ. 가해자와 도망자의 트라우마적 기억들과 죄책감

Ⅳ. 결론: 초자아적 자기처벌을 넘어 사랑하기
