This study to find the principles and methods of communication that enable not only general communication but also conflict mediation. It aims to develop education to foster citizens’ communication capabilities as an effective means to enjoy a well-being and realize a peaceful society, namely ‘positive peace’ and ‘peace by peaceful means’ suggested by Johan Galtung. This study introduces 'Empathic Mediation Communication (EMC)', which integrates the principles and methods of Restorative Justice, Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Bodyfulness, and Restorative Circles. We often divide people's actions into 'good/bad' and deal with them as 'reward/punishment'. If we adopt the perspective of Restorative Justice and NVC, we see it not as ‘good/bad’ but as ‘is recovery sufficient/necessary?’ and respond with ‘thank you’ or ‘please.’ In EMC, empathy intelligence is personified as the subject of empathy, and the object of empathy includes both oneself and others. In addition, by including ‘a breathing(take care of self by breathing consciously)’ to each of the four elements of NVC (observe/feel/need/request) and incorporating mediation techniques, it was made possible to easily learn the basic capabilities of Bodyfulness and conflict mediation. The EMC process is a positive cycle of peace. This is because people accept the tension and pain resulting from differences and conflicts as a sign and opportunity for recovery, thereby restoring peace for themselves and society.
Ⅰ. 누구나 평화적 소통 역량을 갖춘다면
Ⅱ. 공감조정대화의 원리 : 회복적 정의, NVC, 몸챙김, 서클의 재해석과 융합
Ⅲ. 공감조정대화의 다차원 순환구조와 초인지 의인화
Ⅳ. 공감조정대화의 기본틀이자 갈등조정 모형
Ⅴ. 공감조정대화의 구성요소 : ‘숨쉼·돌봄’-‘느낌·욕구’-‘관찰·반영’-‘연결·행동부탁’
Ⅵ. 갈등을 반기고 협력을 즐기는 평화시민을 그리며