Borders serve as spatial symbols of modern nation-state sovereignty and foundational elements for constructing national identity. However, among the world's borders, the China-Myanmar border is particularly unique. While China and Myanmar resolved their border disputes early on, the border regions—especially on the Myanmar side—have long been plagued by conflict, high crime rates, and social instability. Recently, violent internal conflicts have erupted between the Myanmar military government and ethnic armed groups. In response, China, located on the opposite side of the border, has implemented continuous measures to strengthen border management in an effort to maintain security and order. Nevertheless, the border is home to numerous transboundary ethnic groups, whose daily and legitimate cross-border activities require protection even after demarcation. The tension between ensuring border security and accommodating the daily practices of transboundary ethnic groups has created an inherent dilemma in China's border governance. By addressing the historical demarcation of the border, the issue of ethnic armed forces, and the challenges arising within China's border governance system, this study adopts a border-centric perspective to examine the implications of this dilemma for the current and future dynamics of China-Myanmar relations.
边境是现代民族国家主权在实体地理空间中的象征,也是建构国家认同 的空间性基础。然而,世界诸国的边境当中,中缅边境相当特殊。中缅两国 很早就解决了边境地区的分歧,但两国的边境地区,特别是缅甸一侧,长 期处于战乱、犯罪高发和社会不安定狀態。近期,缅甸军政府与少数民族武 装之间还爆发了激烈的内战。因此,边境另一侧的中国,为维持边境的安全 和秩序,不断采取强化边境管理的措施。然而,边境线两侧居住着众多跨界 民族,两国划界之后,跨界民族日常的正常、合法跨界活动仍然需要得到保 护。边境安全与跨界民族的日常实践,造就了中国治边天然的矛盾。本文从 边境地区本身的视角出发,从国境的划定、跨界民族的军事割据问题、中国 边境管理体制下的矛盾等侧面,来窥视这种矛盾带来的对当下和未来中缅 关系变化的影响。
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 중국-미얀마 접경지역의 과계민족 문제와 정치 분쟁
Ⅲ. 국경 관리의 강화와 그 딜레마
Ⅳ. 지속적인 군사 충돌 속의 국경 관리
Ⅴ. 결론: 과계민족 미래를 위한 국경 관리 개선 방안