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KCI등재 학술저널

서울시 공공임대주택 거주자의 주거비부담 결정요인 분석 : 장애인과 비장애인 가구의 비교를 중심으로

An Analysis of the Determinants of Housing Cost Burden of Public Housing in Seoul : Focusing on the Comparison between Disabled and Non-disabled Households

DOI : 10.21447/jusre.2024.15.4.2
  • 6

This study examines the determinants of housing cost burdens for disabled and non-disabled households living in public rental housing in Seoul, utilizing multiple regression analysis. The study aims to highlight the importance of developing housing welfare policies that address the specific needs of these vulnerable populations. Key findings reveal that shorter residence duration, higher monthly rent, and larger housing size significantly increase the housing cost burden for both groups. Additionally, for disabled households, fewer household members and higher debt levels are associated with a greater housing cost burden. In contrast, for non-disabled households, older household heads and economic inactivity are key factors contributing to increased housing cost burdens. The study emphasizes that while public transfer payments can help reduce housing cost burdens, these measures have financial limitations. Therefore, it calls for comprehensive housing welfare policies that integrate housing assistance with employment support. Furthermore, the study underscores the need for policies that not only reduce housing costs but also improve the overall living environment and quality of life for vulnerable households.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 주거비와 선행연구 고찰

Ⅲ. 공공임대주택 가구 유형별 일반적 특성

Ⅳ. 공공임대주택 거주자의 주거비부담 결정요인

Ⅴ. 결론

