최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Global Business and Finance Review Vol.30 No.1.jpg

To identify key determinants of Green HRM: evidence from the United Nations

DOI : 10.17549/gbfr.2025.30.1.131
  • 9

Purpose: This study aims to discover key driving factors towards the implementation of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) in the United Nations (UN) in South Korea. Design/methodology/approach: As a mixed method, we collected quantitative and qualitative data sets from Human Resource (HR) practitioners or experts in the UN in South Korea. While the survey data was analysed by employing the Consistent Fuzzy Preference Relations (CFPR) method, the qualitative data was analysed through thematic analysis. Findings: Among HR practice, organisation, HR initiative and leadership dimensions, green recruitment from HR practice is deemed the most vital determinant of GHRM. This study concluded that HR practice including recruit-ment, and training and development is the most vital one towards GHRM. Research limitations/implications: Albeit this research lacks a sample size due to limited accessibility for collecting data sets, HR specialists in the UN can refer to our findings to establish a strategic plan as an initial step. Originality/value: By employing thematic analysis and the CFPR regarded as one of the Multi-Criteria Decision- Making (MCDM) methods, HR practice including green recruitment is the most crucial one towards the im-plementation of GHRM in the UN in South Korea.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Literature Review - Determinants of GHRM

Ⅲ. Methods

Ⅳ. Results

Ⅴ. Discussion

Ⅵ. Conclusion

Conflicts of Interest

Author Contributions

