최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

최소주의에 의한 불어 'ce' 연구

  • 9

This study aims to analyze ce construction in French by the modified Agree thoery of Chomsky(1998,1999). The similarity and difference between there in English and ce, and the status and features of ce are explained and discussed. Analyzing ce in Complex Inversion sentences through Agree of the features, this study proves the explanatory adequacy of Agree theory. In addition, we propose that when the uninterpretable features match with the features of goal, they are deleted by Agree and cannot take part in another Agree relation. If there has Case feature, it can be active and agrees with the probe T in raising constuction, so that we don't have to assume the hypothesis of φ- completeness.
