최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

인터넷과 표현의 자유

  • 460

In the modern information society where real life and cyberspace coexist, the limitation principles of law ruling free expression in real life should still apply to free expression in cyberspace. The internet often used as a synonym of cyberspace, is characterized by interaction, infinity of time and space, anonymity, internationality, ete. These show 1) the characters of technology and media: the internet based on the development of the information and communication technology has distinctive characteristics from print, broadcasting, communication as media. 2) the character of space ' the internet builds up cyberspace different from real life in the physical world. Problems of rhe internet and free expression have been led to consider how the limitation theories, the constitutional protection of free expression on the internet, could be applied, given these natures of the internet. This essay firstly examines the classical theories of free expression, their current modifications, the relationships between free expression and free information in the information society and the limitation theories of free expression. Then It re-examines the limitation theories of free expression on the internet considering the characters of technology and media and the character of space discussed above.

1. 서설 2. 표현의 자유의 보장과 제한 3. 인터넷의 특성과 표현의 자유의 제한법리 4. 결어 참고문헌 Abstract
