최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재후보 학술저널

본교 여성학 강의를 위한 기본자료의 수집과 분석

Development of Women's Studies Program at Undergraduate Levels in Pusan Women's University

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Pusan Women's University(PWU) opened a course on Women's Studies for undergraduate students in September, 1988, for the first time on Pusan. And Women's Studies Center was established on November, 1988. The Purposes and objectives of this project are: 1) to arrange the materials referenced on opening the course on Women's Studies: 2) to modify and supplement the system and content of Women's Studies program: 3) to develop a new curriculum for Women's Studies program. In the Chapter Ⅱ of this report, the developmental processes of Women's Studies program on PWU were researched, and in Chapter Ⅲ, as a model case Women's Studies programs in Korea were surveyed. Since the first courses were opened in the 1980's, Women's Studies program was rapidly expanded and developed in Korea. About 33 courses were offered in 1989 throughout the country. In the Chapter Ⅳ, some problems and perspectives were presented. The urgent need for improving the courses on Women's Studies was to take the positive support from the University authority and to extend the network among professors related to Women's Studies. For the development of the Women's Studies, the Women's Studies Center of PWU has to try: 1) evaluation on the Women's Studies course every year: 2) research on developing courses related to Women's Studies at other departments: 3) training and educating programs for students and professors.


2.여성학의 성립배경과 학문적 특성

3.여성학 개설과정과 현황

4.여성학 교육목표와 교육내용

5.맺는말-본교 여성학강좌를 위한 제언



부록1.본교 1988년 2학기 여성학 교수계획서

부록2.1989.2학기 여성학 교수계획서
