최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

여대생의 사회참여의식과 리더쉽 개발

  • 80

Nowadays, women have longer formal school years than ever before and the ratio of female college graduates to all the college graduates has increased from 36% in 1991 to 45.8% in 1999. The highly educated women are expected not only to actualize themselves but also to contribute to social and national development. The situation that more women are highly educated will be continued to the situation that more women will be involved in various social activities and contribute to social development. But actually it is not so optimistic for the highly educated women to be involved in various social activities. The job opportunities for women are limited in the real job markets. And even though they get jobs, they tend to leave their jobs due to various variables such as marriage, pregnancy, child caring and so on. 216 female college students in Pusan area were surveyed and interviewed for the research. 72.7% of them answered that it is essential for the women in the future to participate in social activities. The survey shows that they have high willingness of getting jobs after graduating but they have low degree of preparation in information and skills. Social participation should be planned in the context of her life-span career development. Also, the subject of detennining her social participation is herself. For the highly educated female adults, leadership development for controlling their lives and expanding their influences is essential to maximize their social participation quantitatively and qualitatively. Leadership development training for female college students is proposed to encourage and support their social participation. The next task is to develop leadership development training programs for them.

1. 들어가는 글

2. 대학의 변화 추이

3. 대졸 여성의 취업 실태와 부산 지역 여대생의 사회참여의식

4. 여대생의 리더쉽 개발

5. 맺는 글


