It is not easy in Korea for co-eds to enter professions after their graduation. It doesn't seem that co-eds are getting appropriate support from the government and their school authorities. Many co-eds are eager to get professions but many of them don't have the concrete pictures about their future professions. Most university have career sevice center to help students enter professions. But their programs don't seem successful especially for co-eds. The career service center in the universities can improve their programs In some ways. First, some courses that help students to be free from sexism related into professions should be developed. Second, school authorities should try to make the characteristics of their co-eds publicly know. Third, career service center are required to have gender sensitive perspective into cosideration in developing their programs. Fourth, both the school authority and the local government should try to encourage the employment of graduate women.
1. 문제제기
2. 여성정책 사각지대에 놓인 여대생 취업문제
3. 여대생 취업상황을 개선하기 위해 대학사회는 무엇을 해야하나?
4. 결론