Women view their bodies not only as sexual objects, but also as means of erotic impulses and fantasies. Divided women's perceptions toward the issue of pornography is partly due to the reality that pornography is a tool used by men to subjugate women. In order to understand women's ambivalence toward pornography, we need to examine the way our culture's sexual representations have shaped. In this paper I want to investigate women's false consciousness with regard to their internalization of pornographic ideas. My purpose is to reveal the fact that women's subordination and violence against women are eroticized through pornographic images. Looking at pornography in this light we are able to see it as pathetic and ridiculous. In fact, divided women's subjectivity perceiving pornography is based on the paradox of pornography itself: pornography as exploitation and degradation of human body, and as enjoyable "text" for fantasy. Although Goldstein(1992) states "Even if there were no pornography, there would be pornography", I think we can transform the content of pornography at least. Let us pornography die and develope a new field of human being's erotica, if we can not abolish it.
1. 문제제기 : 포르노 세상
2. 폭력, 아니면 쾌락의 매개체로서 포르노?
3. 충족될 수 없는 환상, 아니면 성애화 교육으로서 포르노?
4. 결론 : 분열된 주체성의 회복을 위해서