최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

부산지역 인터넷 기반 여성정보서비스의 현황과 과제

  • 15

The purpose of this study is to review the current status of the Internet based women's information services in Pusan and to suggest some development strategies leading to the motivation of women's movement in this metropolitan area. Establishing the national women's information networks has been recognized as one of the goals of the master plan for women's development by the Korean government. Unfortunately, however, the infrastructure for women's information services in Korea has not been so solid yet. When it comes to Pusan, it seems to be the same or the worse. A survey says, as of year 2<xx), 21.5% of 65 women's organizations in Pusan do not had a computer at all. Even if they had one, only about 30% of them can be connected to the information high way. Generally speaking, the computer skill of the staffs is in low level. Only ten out of 65 organizations have a Web page on the Internet. This study identifies some problems women's information services in Pusan is confronting: information devide between gender and between community, quality and quantity of the information contents, underdeveloped information sharing system of the community, unfruitful national and/or regional women's policy, lack of fmance and human resources. This study suggests some strategies for the development of women's information services in Pusan: efficient and effective information education for women, some measures to get high quality information contents, establishment of a regional women's information center, some procedures to get solid financial and human resources.

1. 서론

2. 여성운동으로서의 인터넷 기반 여성정보서비스

3. 부산지역 여성정보서비스의 현황 분석

4. 부산지역 여성정보서비스의 문제점 분석

5. 부산지역 여성정보서비스의 발전 전략

6. 결론


