최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

여성의 노인보호에 관한 페미니즘적 비판

  • 73

In a patriarchy, traditionally, women or the family responsible for elder care. But the appearance of aging society and the increase of working women askes the elder care to be changed to the problem of society and male-femile cooperation. In particular, the increase of working women under the lack of elder welfare facilities and services may cause the elder neglect or the abuse. And it may also cause the poverty of women by asking them to leave their work. Feminists criticized the women-centered elder care as below. First, the difference of quality between the caregiving by male and femile exist by the social structure change of population and the difference of the rate of Married, Husband-Present. The second, caregiving, dependence and feminization of poverty are related. The third, women's labour value of caregiving is not socially approved. The forth, family ideology that makes elder care belong to women exists. The fifth, there is no social, financial compensation for elder care and rather it is used as the means of budget reduction of social welfare. Therefore, the feminists suggested the new ethics and alternatives to elder care. First they must investigated the negative aspects of community care and home help services which are the main part of social welfare today. The second, they must change the problem of elder care to that of male-female cooperation. The third, the poverty of women must not be continued by social, financial compensation for caregiving and social insurance policy.

1. 문제의 제기

2. 노인보호여성의 특성

3. 노인보호에 대한 페미니스트들의 비판

4. 노인보호의 새로운 윤리와 대안모색

5. 맺음말


