主要 養殖對象 種인 大蛤을 材料로 實驗室에서 混合餌料(Nitzchia closterium+Monochrysis lutheri)를 攝餌시키고 窒素背泄率과 排出의 量 및 含窒素量을 測定하여 大蛤의 窒素代謝能을 조사하고 窒素收支를 推定하였다. 먹이로부터 成長에 利用된 窒素의 量은 6.15~14.90%이었고 으로 2.77~9.72%, 그리고 82.33~84.13%가 窒素代謝生物로 排泄되었으며 同化效率은 크기가 작을수록 높게 나타났다. 攝餌에 쓰인 에너지는 큰 個體보다 작은 個體일수록 더 많이 消費하였다. 酸素消費의 SDA는 平素보다 2.1~2.8倍였고, 排泄窒素의 SDA는 1.3~1.5倍였다. 自然産大蛤에서 排泄의 窒素量은 1日 平均 3.69~23.77㎍N으로 이를 攝餌窒素量으로 換算하면 0.067~1.866㎎N이고 瀘水量은 0.005~30.778ℓ에 상당하는 것으로 推定되었다.
The nitrogen metabolic activity and nitrogen budget for Meretrix lusoria were estimated investigating the rate of nitrogen excretion, amounts of Ceces α nd nitrogen contents of Cecal material after being fed with mixed cultures of microalgae(Nitzchia closterium and Monochrysis lutheri). The amount of nitrogen avaiJable for growth was 6.15 to 14.90% of total ingested nitrogen. Fecal nitrogen and nitrogen excreted as final product of N-metabolism were 2.77 -9.72%, 82.33-84.13% respectively of total ingested nitrogen Weight-specific assimilation rates were inversely related to body size. Energetic expenses for feeding sman size grouDs were higher than of large ones. The rate of oxygen can sumption and nitrogen excretion were 2.1 to 2.8 limes and 1.3 to 1.5 limes respectively of routine rate. The nitrogen contents of feces excreted by individuals within 1 day were 3.69 to 23.77㎍ N and after conversion into ingestion equivalents and filtration rates were estimated to be 0.061 to 1.866mg Nand 0.005 to 30.778ℓ respectively