For the studying of freezing rate of shrimp, the samples were divided as headed and peeled. The dimension of sample was 1㎝x5㎝x10㎝ of slab shape and the temperature probe was Cu, Cu. Ni thermocuple, at center, surface, blast air and cooling coil. The balst air speed was controlled at 2, 4, 6㎝/s by motor speed controller. The freezing point showed 2℃±0.1. Thermal arrest time of peeled shrimp at 2, 4, 6㎝/s blast air speed were 9, 8, 5min. and headed shrimp were 15, 10, 7 min. The results between actural measurement's and caleulating freezing time were similar. The enfluence of freezing rate by blast air changes did'nt show high. But in actually, most frozen fish products were packed, therefore, heat transfer coefficient was very low. So, this results show high speed(above 5m/s) blast air needed.
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