handling의 스트레스 직후에 70%의 발병율을 보인 울혈증이 경과일수에 따라서 비례감소되어 3일째에는 최저치인 30%였으며, 이때 아질산 농도가 4ppm미만이었다. 한편, 4일째부터는 아질산의 농도(5.5~16.8ppm)에 따라서 울혈증이 비례증가(40~80%)되었으며, 울혈증 발별진행에 관계하는 사육조의 아질산 임계농도는 5.5ppm으로 나타났다. handling의 스트레스 직후에 증가되었던 Ht, Met-Hb, Glucose, GPT, GOT, 및 Ca치등은 경과일수에 따라서 2일째까지는 비례감소하였으나, 감소되었던 Hb, 알부민, 총단백, Mg 및 LDH치 등은 경과일수에 비례하여 2일째에는 증가되었다. 3일째부터는 아질산의 농도증가(3.8~16.8ppm)에 따라서 Ht, Met-Hb, Glucose, 알부민, 총단백, LDH, GTP, GOT 및 Ca치 등은 비례증가되었으나, Hb 및 Mg는 비례감소하였다. 이러한 결과들은 아질산 농도와 아가미 울혈증과 밀접한 관계가 있음을 시사한다.
This experiment was carried out. in order to elucidate the effect of nitrite on the change of the blood and on the congestion values in central venus sinuses(CVS) of gill filaments in cultured eel which experimentally outbreaked in the stressful condion such as handling shock. After being stressed, 70% of eel. showed the congestion in the gill, but the frequency graduaily decreased to 30% on the 3th day when the concentration of nitrite reached below 4pprn. After then the outbreaks frequency of gill congestion was significantly increased in relation to nitrite concentration untill the concentration reached 5.5~16.8ppm. These indicated that 5.5ppm of nitrite was the clinical concentration which affected the outbreak of gill congestion increased or decreased. Stressed in eel, the increased level of haematocrit(Ht), glucose(GLU), calcium(Ca), methemoglobin(M-Hb), glutamic pyruvic transminase(GOT) and glutamic oxalacetic transminase(GPT) were gradually decreased but the decreased level of haemoglobin(Hb), albumin(ALB) and magnesium(Mg) were increased. Two days after being stressed, the tendency was completeley reversed in relation to increased nitrite concentration, stressed in eel, total protein(TP) and lactic dehydrogenase(LDH) were increased in relation to nitrite concentration. These results suggest that the concentration of nitrite affect the progress in gill congestion of stressed eel.
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