This paper is a part of the study on Korean traditional salt-fermented Aquatic products in old literature. The kinds and different names arc based upon the materials used for salt-fermentation of shellfish & ceparopoda studied by analysising the 68 books of old literature, which were written from 1236 to 1945 The results of this study can be summarized as follows; 1. Salt-fermented shellfish & ceparopoda arc called 45 and 9 different names, respectively. 2. Shellfish arc divided into 7 species; Oyster, Orient dam, Baby neck dam, Razor clam, Topshell, Abalone and Sea mussel. 3. The names of Ceparopoda are divided into 5 species Sea-arrows, Squid, Octopus(big), Octopus (common) and Wet foot octopus. 4. The 12 oyster pickles preserved for long time, are little by little the amount of salt was reduced and red pepper was introduced. when the red pepper is put in, it changes the type of the oyster to salted oyster with red pepper. 5. Pickled abalones called Tarysangbalgi Was made entirely almost for the Royal family more than the public. 6. Pickled oyster sauce called Zeungbosanrymkyungjae was used for seasoning.
I. 서론
II. 분석방법
III. 결과 및 고찰
IV. 요약