西海岸 김 養殖場에 관한 硏究 - VII. LANDSAT-5호 衛星의 映像處理에 의한 錦江 河口産 김 養殖場의 施設現況 分析
Studies on the Cultural Grounds of Laver in Western Coast of Korea - VII. Analysis of Cultural Grounds Facilities of Laver Nets in the Kumgang Estuary deal with Reflection of LANDSAT-5 Satellite
- 군산대학교 수산과학연구소
- 수산과학연구
- 제12호
- 1996.12
- 1 - 13 (13 pages)
As a part of the primary reflection analysis of remote sensing satellite which was calculated for number of the poling and the floating net types in the Sochon-gun and Kaeya-do of Gumgang estuary were investigated image to the LANDSAT-5 satellite from February 8, 1991. The utilization of remote sensing satellite, which was developed in America and France since 1960, was increased by virtue of newly developed sensing from Mercury to LANDSAT 1~5 in NASA of America, SPOT of France, MOS of Japan and analysis technologies including international communications according to the band of spctral sensitivity, agriculture, zootechny, water surface temperature, atmospheric process, land use mapping geology, fisheries and ocean circulation, climate and so on. This study coastal area was damaged to the cultural grounds of layer in the Sochon-gun and Kaeya-do coastal sites by dredging and reclamating on the Kunsan Nation Industrial Comples(2,090,000 pyung) from September 1990 to April 1991 Cultural grounds facilities of poling net type and floating net type located at Kumgang estuary, analyzed through image of TM(Thematic Mapper) loading in remote sensing satellite, LlANDSAT-5. Number of facilities chaek to pixel in the satellite reflection to the LANDSAT-5 of poling net type calculated to 18 chaek in 3,249㎥/l80㎥ at small light brown grids, 30 chaek in 5,402㎥ 180㎥ at middle light brown grids, 50 chaek in 9.025㎥180㎥ at large light brown grids, and floating net type calculated to 30 chaek in 5,402㎥ 180㎥ at dark black grids. Result of satellite image analyzed to number of facilities chaek reported to the fishery right and non-fishery right, were asserted Songrim, Cbanghang and Namjon of Maso-myon fishermen was 23,000 chaek, Maso was 75,851 chaek, Kaeya-do was 40,000 chaek, but result in satellite image analysis an accuracy data of layer facilities were 6,300 chaek, 56,000 chaek and 3,000 chaek, in respectively. Virtually the number of facilities chaek of fishermen data was total 65,000 chaek. In the surveying coastal sites of Kumgang estuary represented at satellite image that poling net type estimated A site was 3.744 chaek, B site was 4,668 cbaek, C site was 1,770 chaek, D site was 462 chaek, and floating net type estimated A site was 5,100 chaek, B site was 900 chaek, C site was 4.380 cbaek, D site was 5,970 chaek. So that poling and floating net type estimated to be facilities total 26,994 chaek. Though fishermen reports was 65,000 chaek, the calculated number of facilities chaek to pixel in the satellite image of LANDSAT-5 was analyzed to be 26,994 chaek. so that appeared about double difference number of facilities chaek.
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